THerefore, we recommend that you try and limit the number of DLCs that you are loading to fix the Fallout New Vegas Infinite Loading Screen issue on Windows 10 and other operating systems.

Therefore, try to load the game without mods and then start enabling them one by one as mentioned below to fix the Fallout New Vegas Infinite Loading Screen issue. Mods Issue: A lot of players like to load a lot of mods alongside the game and rightfully so, however, it is possible that some mods might have conflicts with each other and might not load well together.Game File integrity: If the Game file integrity has been damaged, you might run into this issue and you can get around it simply by verifying all the game files using the Steam launcher and then check to see if it goes away and the game loads properly.Therefore, we recommend that you try to load a different save or try to load it again after ending the game to check if it works. Glitched Loading Process: Sometimes the loading process of the game might have gotten glitched due to which you are getting the Fallout New Vegas Infinite Loading Screen issue.Some other reasons are highlighted below as well. You must be curious as to why this issue is caused in the first place and we are here to tell you that the Fallout New Vegas infinite loading screen Windows 10 issue or its instance on any other operating system is mostly caused due to faulty or misconfigured mods.

What Causes the Fallout New Vegas Infinite Loading Screen Issue? Make sure that you read through the reasons due to which this error is seen in the first place as we have highlighted them below and also to follow all methods one by one until one of them fixes the Fallout New Vegas infinite Loading screen issue for you. Fallout New Vegas Infinite Loading Screen Therefore, in this article, we have delved into this issue and have compiled some solutions that will help you to determine and work out different methods that will resolve this infinite loading screen. Users have been getting the Fallout New Vegas Infinite Loading Screen and it prevents them from being able to load and get into the game to start playing.